….and I’m alive too!

Woah!! A whole week without a single post. Not even a friendly hello. What kind of a person am I?!

Hey friends!!! I’M BACK!! 

Sorry for the disappearance there. I’ve been prepping for an event this Friday, along with my regular work duties, so I’ve just been a little drained lately. I kept sitting down to write and I just decided to take that time to relax instead. Forgive me 🙂

Now that I’m a little bit more caught up, I thought I’d stop by and give you a quick update.


MY E-BOOK, Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To Go! IS ON AMAZON KINDLE!!!!! (click here!!!) 

cover2I know I said May 1st (which is when I’m planning my FULL release), but it is up and ready, so why hold back from my AWESOME readers?!

If you don’t have a kindle, you can download the Kindle app on your iPhone, Android, or iPad too! 

Here’s what the description says: 

10 Great Workouts you can do WHEREVER, WHENEVER!!

Do you love traveling but hate missing your workouts or getting out of your fitness routine? You don’t have to worry about that ever again!

Imagine going on your next work trip or family vacation and not having to search for a gym in a city you don’t know, spend hours away from relatives and co-workers just to get your workout in, or wasting money on ridiculously priced day passes!!

Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To Go solves it all! Bring your workouts ANYWHERE you go! With this 10 page e-book, you can stay fit wherever you are! These 10 workouts can be done in your hotel room, grandma’s living room, or at the park!

You can purchase my e-book here. It is the PERFECT way to stay fit while traveling!

And just because you guys are great, here’s one of the workouts you can find in my e-book!

Workout from my e-book!

Workout from my e-book!

In Other News

My nephew started walking yesterday. All by himself!!! Do you know what that does to one’s heart strings?! If you have a nephew, then I’m sure you do. Especially one as cute as this…



In workout news, this week I’ve managed to do: 

Monday: Killer leg workout! and some bouldering

I’m so sore from it still! I’ll definitely have to share this one with you guys…

Tuesday: Boxing and some bouldering

Wednesday: Chest/Back workout with my man.

Thursday: Hoping to get anything in. Might even do cardio. Busy day!

Friday: Nope, nada, negative

Saturday: Crossfit?

Sunday: Depends how Saturday goes….

We All Go Through It

My workouts this week were nothing crazy, but that’s just how it is sometimes. I can definitely tell you, I had to WORK myself into the gym most days this week. It truly does not come easy to me all the time. I almost skipped climbing on Monday and almost skipped boxing on Tuesday. But I just went. Grumbling the whole way. And guess what? I survived, it turned out to be awesome, and I’m happy I went. Wasn’t easy though!

I say this to tell you guys, WE ALL GO THROUGH IT. People act like I’m just always ON my game and I don’t go through the feelings of just wanting to be lazy and not work out. I’m not bionic guys. Trust me…I almost walked out of boxing a few times Tuesday night. Seriously. But I knew I’d feel MUCH worse if I walked out than if I just stayed and toughed out the class. I was right. I ended up getting great workouts even though I was dreading almost all of them.

Like I, (and everyone else), always say…..90% is just SHOWING UP. Just put on your workout clothes…GET TO THE GYM (or park or garage or wherever you do your workouts). Just START. Chances are that once you actually get going, it won’t be too bad. There ARE times when it is okay to rest. When you’re too sore, haven’t slept enough, need to relax…..but we all know the difference. Sometimes, you just have to push yourself.

Thanks for sticking around with my less than stellar blogging schedule this week! I promise things will go back to normal and you can read my rambling on a more regular basis. 😀

Questions for today: 

1. Do you travel often?

2. Do you work out when you travel?

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