My Daily Food Diary + a Leg Workout!

It’s been quite a week over here! Not going to lie, I’m REALLY excited for the weekend! Not only will I have a chance to chill out, but my brother-in-law is coming to visit, too. This week has definitely tested my patience, but I’m determined to come out on top. Facetime with this little guy on Tuesday definitely helped make it all better….




If you’ve never Facetimed with an almost-2 year old, I highly recommend it. Haha! This kid cracks me up! I also had a pretty fun assistant in the office for a bit. Meet….RUFUS. He’s the best.


This week’s workouts have been pretty good! I took a much needed rest day yesterday. I actually almost tried to make myself go to the gym in the evening, but I knew it would benefit me to just relax. I just love working out so much and feel so good when I do, that it’s hard for me to rest sometimes. I’ve got a Shoulder/Chest workout on the agenda for this afternoon, so I’ll post that workout tomorrow.

Leg day on Tuesday turned out to be pretty killer. I was sweating like crazy and was definitely glad when it was over. Leg day is my favorite but MAN can it be brutal! Here’s what I did:

Tuesday Leg Workout

4 Sets of Deadlifts (worked up to 169 pounds x 8 reps)

3 Sets of Barbell Reverse Lunges (75 pounds)

3 Supersets of Glute Donkey Kicks on the Leg ext. + Wide Stance KB Goblet Squats

2 Supersets of DB Step Ups + Step Up Jumps

I thought it would be fun to give you guys an idea of how I eat most of the time. I for sure have treats every now and then and don’t worry about it, but this is my 80%. Meaning that 80% of the time, this is how I eat. This is how I choose to eat….not for any other reason than it makes me feel good, supports my training, and still keeps me satisfied. Yep, I EAT CHEESE and lots of FRUIT and omg, I eat after 6pm too….and still live to tell about it. 😉


8:30am: Large Americano w/ Nonfat Steamed Milk

9am: 2 Scrambled Eggs + 1/2 cup oatmeal OR a slice of Ezekiel bread + an apple

10:30-11am: an apple + almonds OR Cookies & Cream Quest Bar

12-1pm: chicken or turkey + brown rice or quinoa + veggies + sometimes avocado or cheese (sometimes I do a paleo burger too)

3-3:30pm: Cookies and Cream Quest Bar & a Large Americano w/ nonfat steamed milk

4-4:30pm: Workout

6-6:30pm: Chicken, brown rice, bell peppers, & cheese OR this amazingly incredible taco salad

7:30-8pm: Fruit. Grapes or peaches or strawberries or whatever I can get my hands on!

That’s all I’ve got folks…..hope your Thursday is off to a fantastic start!

What’s on your workout agenda for the day?

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