THANK YOU, Weekly Workouts, and A Challenge

First of all, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for the feedback on my post on How I Quit Cardio.

I’ve had several people even stop me on the streets, at the gym, and via Facebook,  to tell me how much they enjoyed it. I’ll definitely be writing more posts like that in the future. Shoot me a line if there are any heavy topics you’d like me to write about. I’ve been down A LOT of roads in this health and fitness world…. FitLizzio (at) gmail (dot) com

I’m getting pretty good at this disappearing act, aren’t i? I apologize! I’m working my tail off and haven’t been finished with work until midnight on most nights. I just can’t bring myself to write after a 12-15 hour day of work. This won’t always be the case, but it is for now, so I’m going to blog when I can. I’ll try to at least get 1-2 posts per week up, but I’d rather give you guys quality posts and not just throw together a kamikaze post just to get something up.

First of all, I got to hang with this little dude last weekend. He is the coolest baby in the world. He loves to laugh, make jokes, and just be awesome. Love my nephew so much!!

He's so tough.

He’s so tough.

It was so great spending time with my family in AZ last weekend. I can’t wait until I get to go back in a few weeks! I miss them all.

Last week’s workouts:

Monday: 20 Minutes on the Stairmill – High Intensity + Bouldering – Medium Intensity

Tuesday: Full Body Workout – Medium Intensity

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Legs – High Intensity

Friday: Taught Conditioning (more on that below) + Upper Body – Medium Intensity

Saturday: Bouldering – Medium Intensity

Sunday: Legs/Shoulders/Abs – High Intensity

A pretty decent week of workouts! I was definitely pretty sore by Saturday, so I took it easy and just did some bouldering at the rock climbing gym. This was my first week back in 3 weeks, and I definitely noticed. I’m going to try to get back to my 2-3 day/week schedule again.

So I mentioned above that I taught conditioning on Friday. Long story short, an instructor didn’t show up to a class, so I jumped in and taught the conditioning portion of it…….AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I have never taught group exercise (just personal training) and it was a total blast. I’m definitely going to see if I can sub in every now and then. I think the people in class love/hated me, too. I’m an evil instructor, but you’ll thank me later! 😉

Here’s my plan for the coming week:

Week of Workouts

Meal Plan:

My friend and I are going to be embarking on a little challenge beginning tomorrow. I’ll be posting the details, our measurements, weight, and progress photos. We both feel like we want to work a bit harder when it comes to our diets, so we’re going in this together.

Stay tuned for more info……you’re welcome to join us!

That’s all I’ve got for now, but I’ll be back on Tuesday with the details of our little challenge.

Would you be interested in an online health challenge?

How did you navigate your Father’s Day food choices?


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