Workout Recap and Weekend Getaway HELP!!

This week has been full of some awesome workouts, so let’s get right to it!

Workout Recap

Monday: I did a 15 minute HIIT on the treadmill. It’s amazing how much 15 minutes can make you sweat and curse. I think they go hand in hand. I also did some bouldering at the rock climbing gym.

I alternated between 6.5 and 9.0 mph on the treadmill and shared my MFT upon completion.

Tuesday: I walked on the treadmill while waiting for Charlie, and then I put us both through some hell

Here’s what we did: 

3 sets of: Squat/Sled/KB Swing combo (this video is old, but this is what it is:)

3 sets of: 5 Burpee Pull Ups (with full push up and on a very high bar that required a lot of pulling up!!!) super set with 10 Medicine Ball Thrusters (18 lbs)

3 sets of: 10 Push Press (45 lbs) superset with 5 Ninja Jumps

This workout looked easier on paper than it was. I tend to do that a lot…..

Wednesday: Bouldering. Instead of what I normally do, which is climb hard and take good long breaks, I set out to be there for an hour with minimal breaks. None of my friends could go, so I decided it would be the best use of my time. Damn it was hard! Climbing gives you a pump like nothing else.

Thursday: Boxing. I’m so glad I got back into this. I almost didn’t go because I’ve got a big work project going on, but knew I would feel much better if I did. I was right and left a sweaty, soaking, hot mess. It was glorious.

My plan for today? Crossfit 14.5! I missed 14.4 because I was out of town, so I figure i’ll try this one out. I may have to scale down the thrusters, but we’ll see what happens.

This weekend: 

Even though I was out of town last weekend, I feel like going out of town again! I love to travel and do little weekend trips, but haven’t been taking them lately. I made it a goal to change that. I’m leaving tonight and still don’t know where I’m going.

Should I go to: 

1. Santa Barbara

2. Solvang

3. Dana Point

Help me decide! Leave me your choice in the comments, por  favor. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Workout Recap and Weekend Getaway HELP!!

  1. Helen says:

    All athletes sooner or later face the situation when they do not see any visible changes in their shape anymore. The latest research has lit the light over this problem. Muscle growth is impossible without the muscle damage. Microtraumas which we get after the trainings eventually enforce the cells division and overall increase of the muscle volume. I have read an interesting article by nutritional reseachers at Military Grade Nutritionals Company. It is available here
    They wrote about the special products, which prevent the unwanted changes in the muscle tissue, therefore preventing DOMS and fighting so called muscle plateaus. Already tried it several times. At first I was not sure if it was the product’s action or I just have trained less), but after my second training all doubts just went away. It really eased my recovery – almost no soreness! I feel that I can train harder, gaining more results than ever before!


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