A Break

That’s what my body was begging for. I woke up on Saturday so completely exhausted. I hadn’t taken a day off from exercise since the previous Friday(besides yoga) and I could just tell my body needed some time off.

I took both yesterday(Saturday) and today (Sunday) completely off from exercise. I rarely take two days off in a row, but I tend to overtrain and I think this is a good thing for me. I’m itching to get a workout in, but I’ll put it off until tomorrow. I’m excited to kick my own ass tomorrow though 😀

I’m wrapping up week 15 and moving into week 14. Crazy how fast the time goes. I’m noticing small changes, but nothing drastic yet. I think it tends to happen that way, at least for me. If I stay doing well with my nutrition, I don’t really notice changes the first few weeks and then all of the sudden I start seeing them almost daily. Hopefully that time is coming soon 🙂

I feel like I have so much going on right now, but I’m pushing through. Trying to get as much rest as possible today so I can hit it hard this week!

4 thoughts on “A Break

  1. Glad you listened to your body and gave it what it needed…just think how rested you will be and able to go balls (or lady parts) to the wall!
    adventures in tri-ing


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